Thursday, February 7, 2008


We would like to identify government agencies that can use biodiesel.
For example, garbage trucks at the Sisson St. dump, next door to the coop, fuel up on petrodiesel onsite. Perhaps Baltimore Biodiesel Cooperative can help them mix their B20.
Agricultural diesel users (farmers and land owners) are another target for biodiesel marketing efforts as they tend to use diesel machinery for all manner of daily and weekly chores.
Fleets of 10 trucks or so would use up to 50,000 gallons per year. Identifying such a customer could increase biodiesel usage and coop growth significantly.
Shep and David will head the subcommittee to reach out to fleets.


The coop is considering buying a delivery truck.
The truck will allow mobile fueling capacity that can potentially be stored indoors in cold weather, a feature that will help keep winter fuel costs down. Delivery charges will be more than halved if we can go to the 'rack' and drive fuel to Mill Valley ourselves.
Painting the truck will give the coop mobile exposure, too.
Research has shown a truck would cost $400-$700 dollars per month for upkeep.
Membership renewals will generate about $300 per month and new signups will help defray the rest of the costs of operation.

Shep, Dave and Ted will head the finance Committee.
Their first order of business is to budget the truck for this first year.


Growth of the coop was discussed in detail:
Last year membership grew to over 90 members. We purchased and sold about 100 gallons per member on average (10,000 gallons). Our bank balance grew to over $10,000.
Growth of the coop requires additional locations for sale of biodiesel. For our five year plan, 5 'locations' were enumerated-

1)Meriweather Post Pavilion
2)Boat Marinas
3)Truck fleets
5)Washington DC

The committee identified Meriweather Post Pavilion as a good target site for 2008. Touring musicians may be ideal customers- environmentall conscious, diesel driving folks. The key enabling technology for this expansion is the BBD9000, a credit card swipe machine that identifies members that have registered in the coop's online database. The basic box has been assembled and will be fit onto our existing tank cage by March. Projected fuel sales at Mill Valley are 20,000 gallons for 2008. For Meriweather Post, 10,000 gallons.
Boaters of all stripes recognize that petrodiesel is a risky proposition on the bay- Shep and Ilya formed an outreach committee to push biodiesel to fuel suppliers for boaters. Expect about 5,000 gallons to be sold at marinas in 2008.

Goals for 2008.

Board Meeting at Biohabitats was hosted/facilitated by Paul, food provided gratis from Woodberry Kitchen, via Ted
12 folks in attendance.
Meeting commenced with introductions and personal reflection on the coop and biodiesel.
We 'visioned' for an hour and formed a subcommittee to formally craft a vision statement.
We discussed marketing strategy and physically growing the coop in 2008.
Finally we formed subcommittees, effective immediately. All members are invited to contact the chair of a subcommittee they would like to join. Some subcommittees require a volunteer chair.

Visioning Statement is being crafted by Mare and Carrie.
The group suggested we consider the following concepts: keeping it local, being part of the solution, maintaining fuel that is clean, green and sustainable. Two major goals for 2008: Find a reliable, local source of fuel. Community building

Next, we broke into two groups discussing Marketing and Distribution/Financial goals for the coming year.
Marketing notes will be posted soon. Briefly, three Subcommittees are necessary; Advocacy, Education and Outreach.
Subcommittee (chair)
Advocacy (Davis chair)
Education (Susan)
Outreach to potential members in the agricultural community( requires a volunteer subcommittee chair-your name here).